Mystery Review: Cocaine Blues (aka Miss Phryne Fisher Investigates) is the first of the Phryne Fisher mystery series. Well researched, at times even over-researched. Kerry Greenwood may know every building on any particular Melbourne street in 1920, but I don't need to do so. Having done all that swotting, naturally she wants it on the page. I know Miss Fisher from the television series (and the spin-off Ms. Fisher's Modern Murder Mysteries), which is excellent and portrays the characters a bit differently (Dot and Inspector Robinson seem particularly reimagined). Essie Davis wears ravishing outfits in the shows and the fashion-porn descriptions in Cocaine Blues are no less well done. The mystery isn't the center of the story, which is focused on introducing a charming cast of characters and an engaging Australian atmosphere. Although I prefer the television series (which I saw first), Cocaine Blues is only minimally less entertaining and continues the can-do attitude of the shows. [3½★]
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